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Five Popular Italian Dishes

Background of Italian Cuisine

Italian food is famous all over the world for its simplicity, affordability and tastiness. *Some dishes have roots from the Roman and Etruscan civilisations. Others originated from across the borders when merchants and conquerors visited the nation. All the food influences have blended into a unique Neapolitan cuisine.

Rooted in Simplicity

It does not take long to prepare an Italian meal which is essential in the busy lifestyles that we lead today. *Many Italian dishes originate from hard times in the country. In the Dark Ages, people had to make the most out of their available ingredients. 

The secret to an excellent Italian dish is to use very few items. When you cook, you can also think about your trading online. That is how easy it is. Below is a list of five tasty Italian meals that you have to try:

  • Minestrone Soup

This soup makes excellent use of beans which is a staple in Italian cuisine. Beans are used in most Neapolitan soups

It is a thick and chunky soup that filled with seasonal vegetables. *Historically, it was a poor man’s food.  Leftovers from various dishes were combined into the dish. Every region in Italy has its version of the meal. Combine vegetables such as carrots, celery, tomatoes, onions and stock to cook a beautiful dish.

  • Mushroom Risotto

Make yourself a delicious and healthy dish of mushroom risotto. It is the perfect heart-warming dish that you can cook quickly.

Combine rice, mushrooms, broth for a delicious meal. Add butter, onion and parmesan cheese to make it heartier and denser. You can also cook risotto with other vegetables and meats for variety. 

  • Caprese Salad

The Caprese salad is an original classic of Neapolitan cuisine. It embodies the colours of summer and is light and refreshing to the palate.

Combine ripe red tomatoes, creamy and fresh mozzarella and basil for a burst of summer flavours. The word “Caprese” refers to the tomatoes grown along the Amalfi Coast, used initially in the Caprese Salad.

  • Parmigiana

*The name parmigiana comes from the word “parmisciana”, which means “Persian” in the Sicilian dialect. *It is suggested that the word comes from the Turkish or Arabic languages, meaning “eggplant”.

You would make this dish vegetable casserole by grilling or frying eggplant. You would then layer it with a basil tomato sauce and top it with some cheese. 

  • Tiramisu

*The word Tiramisu means “pick me up” in Italian. It is the most delicious way to get a coffee kick after a delightful meal. You could also pair it with tea. 

*Make this dessert by soaking sponge fingers in coffee. Finally, slather the base with a creamy and rich mascarpone mixture. 

Buon Appetito!

Try out some of these delicious dishes and indulge in an Italian culinary experience.
